lululemon membership
Flipping the script on a loyalty program resulted in 22 million new members.
The Story
Membership is pointless.
lululemon membership is not a rewards program. It’s a journey. A path to unleashing your fullest potential fuelled by endorphins and possibility. I was asked to create a distinctive voice and messaging strategy for this pilot program that launched in six major markets across North America.
Data showed most consumers consider loyalty programs to be simply transactional. They don’t generate loyalty in a measurable way. The key differentiator for success is with reward programs that have an experiential component. But these are still mostly transactional, with the ‘experiences’ only redeemable when you purchase more product.
So we flipped the script. When you join lululemon membership, you don’t have to spend more to get more. Every member has full access to the authentic product, practices, and magic that is lululemon.
My challenge was to communicate the true value of becoming a member to people who have a preconceived idea of what a loyalty program is. So I created: No rewards. Infinitely rewarding.—a twist on loyalty program language everyone is familiar with.
The concept of a rewards program that didn’t offer rewards created immediate curiosity and distinguished lululemon membership from all others. Opting-in, upgrading, qualifying, and redeeming, all took on a decidedly different meaning that helped anchor the program in the hearts and minds of our guests.
This pilot proved to be so successful that lululemon officially relaunched their loyalty program in 2023 with two levels of membership to satisfy demand. Currently, the program has over 22 million members.